The first in a two part series looking at the history of NIST. It includes a survey of the organisation’s work today and its early years as the National Bureau of Standards from 1901-1950. Note: NIST was founded as the National Bureau of Standards in 1901 and was renamed Bureau of Standards in 1903. In 1934, the word "national" was once again added to its name. This post refers to the organisation as ‘Bureau’ throughout.

Rose Pilkington, Visualising AI by DeepMind
The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) produces a dizzying array of datasets, software, measures, frameworks, and standards. Part of the United States Department of Commerce, the organisation’s self-described mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology. It is, for all intents and purposes, the embodiment of Galileo’s famous maxim: “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not.”
NIST’s ‘standard reference materials’, reviewed on an annual basis and published in a catalogue of over 1,200 individual entries, are designed to act as physical benchmarks for industry, government, and academia. With detailed information about chemical composition and material properties such as size and weight, the reference materials are employed to calibrate instruments, verify test results, and develop new measurement methods. They are also used to connect U.S. materials to the International Systems of Units, the modern form of the metric system and the world's most widely used system of measurement.
Standard reference materials are a varied bunch. Information about wild and aquacultured shrimp––including an analysis of genetic composition to determine their place of origin-–enable the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Customs and Border Protection agencies to assess whether imported shrimp are authentic. Bullets and cartridge cases are produced to act as reference standards for crime laboratories to help verify the proper functioning of optical-imaging equipment and to facilitate laboratory accreditation. And a standard cigarette provides firms producing fire-resistant furniture with a benchmark against which to determine how successful they have been in building safe products. These and hundreds of others are grouped into categories encompassing food and agriculture, nanomaterials, clinical hygiene, engineering materials amongst several others.
Alongside the extensive catalogue of materials sits NIST’s trove of standard reference data, which generally takes the form of information about the properties of a substance or system, measurable characteristics of a physical artefact, performance characteristics of a system or what NIST terms digital data objects. The generation of standard reference data can be traced back to 1968 when the U.S. congress passed the Standard Reference Data Act, which stated that “reliable standardized scientific and technical reference data are of vital importance to the progress of the Nation's science and technology.”
Since then, NIST has developed and distributed standard reference data in chemistry, engineering, fluids and condensed phases, material sciences, mathematical and computer sciences, and physics. It produces a range of software from programs designed to automate the counting of bacteria colonies to those designed to help manufacturers assess the readiness of budding smart factories. The organisation has a GitHub presence including datasets containing excerpts from demographic data from U.S. households used to assess the performance of privacy-enhancing technologies, and a repository for the Face Recognition Vendor Test, an initiative that aims to improve the accuracy, speed, and resilience of facial recognition technologies.
Facial recognition is just one area of AI that NIST is sizing up. The organisation conducts research into the core building blocks of the technology: it creates new system architectures, studies chip design, and sketches different approaches to red-teaming powerful models. Its scientists and engineers use AI to improve the measurement process itself by, for example, developing deep learning methods to improve the fidelity of nanoscale microscopy techniques. NIST’s staff work on data characterisation, practices for the documentation of datasets, and the construction and maintenance of datasets that can be used to test or train AI systems.
The organisation has conducted hundreds of evaluations across thousands of AI systems. It notes that “while these activities typically have focused on measures of accuracy and robustness, other types of AI-related measurements and evaluations under investigation include bias, interpretability, and transparency.” In January 2023, after a period of consultation, NIST released its AI Risk Management Framework, which seeks to help developers, users, and evaluators of AI systems manage harms posed by AI at the individual, organisational, and societal level.
There are few other organisations, public sector or otherwise, concerned with AI and aquaculture shrimp both. Understanding how such an institution came to be––the drivers, contingencies, and dependencies behind NIST as we know it––is a useful exercise for those grappling with the governance of AI.
Early years: 1901-1950
When does the story of NIST begin? The U.S. National Archives’ account starts in 1830 with the establishment of the Office of Standard Weights and Measures, which was tasked with––perhaps unsurprisingly––overseeing the standardisation of weights and measures in the country. According to the historian Louis A. Fischer, the genesis of the Office of Standard Weights and Measures could be found in wider effort to minimise “large discrepancies among the weights and measures in use at the different ports.”
Elio Passaglia, a former NIST researcher and author of A Unique Institution: The National Bureau of Standards 1950-1969, made the case that we ought to start in 1900 with the establishment of the General Electric Research Laboratory. Passaglia proposes that the laboratory, which was the corporate innovation hub of industrial giant General Electric and the first industrial research facility in the United States, was “the catalyst that forced the formation of the Bureau [the precursor agency to NIST].” The founding of General Electric Research Laboratory, he argues, marked the beginning of a ten year period in which U.S. firms (including DuPont and Westinghouse) built dedicated physical science laboratories. Perhaps equally important, though, is that following the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago the U.S. agreed on definitions for electrical units but had no way to measure them. In this version of events, it was downward pressure to measure electric units from lawmakers and upwards pressure from powerful firms that spurred the creation of a new agency.
The most commonly provided date, however, is the point at which the federal government established the organisation that would eventually become NIST: the National Bureau of Standards. Superseding the Office of Standard Weights and Measures, the new Bureau was tasked with the custody of existing national standards, the comparison of U.S. standards with their international counterparts, the introduction of new standards, the testing of apparatus used to measure standards, and the determination of physical constants in materials deemed to be important for science and manufacturing efforts.
Led by Samuel W. Stratton, the first decade of the Bureau saw it take on the difficult challenge of making progress in each of these domains from what was effectively a standard start. In 1904, it began to test lightbulbs for agencies within the government to ensure their effectiveness, and in keeping with the focus on illumination, displayed the first "neon" signs lit by electrified gases at the St. Louis World's Fair in the same year. In 1905, the organisation convened the first National Conference on Weights and Measures to write model laws, distribute uniform standards, and provide training for inspectors. The first standard reference material was issued in 1906: a standardised sample of iron designed in response to a request from the American Foundrymen’s Association.